RESIDENTS with this Runcorn postcode have been lucky this week after winning in the Postcode Lottery.

The winning residents with the postcode WA7 2QW on Badger Close are celebrating after the draw this morning, Tuesday.

Each month, people can sign up with their postcode and pay £12 a month to be in with a chance of winning the draw.

Prizes are announced every day on the month, with £1,000 prizes for 20 different postcodes a day – and a lucky few winning the jackpot of £30,000.

Each participant that lives on Badger Close in Runcorn has won £1,000 from today’s draw.

Postcode Lottery supports a wide range of charities and causes across the UK and globally.

Around 33 per cent of each ticket helps support good causes, and Postcode Lottery has raised more than £1.3 billion for charity so far.

For more information on People’s Postcode Lottery, visit: