A MAN has been banned from driving for five years after being caught drink driving twice in the same week.

Kevin Lowrie was clocked by officers driving in his ford focus, steering wheel in one hand and a beer can in the other.

The 40-year-old was pulled over by police, on the first occasion, on Conway Court in Ellesmere Port on March 18.

He was made to carry out a roadside breathalyser test which gave a reading of 55.

On the second incident, prosecutor Joseph Kindley told Warrington Magistrates Court that Lowrie had been seen by police officers ‘revving’ his car engine on Hartington Road in Liverpool on March 20 – two days after his first offence.

Police pulled over the defendant and the court heard how the first words that came from his mouth were ‘yes I have had too much’.

It was heard Lowrie, of Halton Lodge, Runcorn, had 17 previous convictions for 35 offences, one involving a drink driving offence in 2015.

Concluding the hearing, District Jude McGarva handed the defendant a two-year community sentence in which he was instructed to complete 35 rehabilitation requirement days and a six-month alcohol treatment programme.

He was also disqualified from driving for five years.