OFFICERS are appealing for information from the public to help locate a missing teenage girl from Runcorn.

Jorja Pumford was last seen at around 7.40am on Friday, May 17, when she got onto the number 2A bus in Runcorn to travel to her school in Helsby.

The 13-year-old is described as white, 5ft 4oms tall, of slim build with brown hair. She was wearing black trousers, a black T-shirt and a black school blazer with green edging.

Inspector Lee Hillyard, said: “Jorja was last seen on the number 2A bus which travels between Runcorn and Chester.

“She was due to get off the bus at Helsby High, but failed to do so, and appears to have continued travelling towards Chester.

“As part of our enquiries we’ve keen to hear from anyone who was on the bus and thinks they may have seen Jorja or knows where she got off.

“The same goes for anyone with CCTV or dashcam footage of her since she disappeared.

“I would also like to appeal directly to Jorja, to ask her to get in touch, you’ve done nothing wrong, your family are just worried about you and want you home.”

Anyone with information should visit, or 101, quoting IML1825446

Information can also be reported anonymously, via Crimestoppers, on 0800 555 111.