PLANS to construct five new homes in Whitecross have been struck down by planning officers at Warrington Borough Council.

The proposals related to a site off St Barnabas Place, which is currently vacant office space.

According to the official description on the council's planning portal, the application was an initial proposal to formally change the use of the building to residential.

The proposals also included the provision of creating five new homes on the site.

As per the description: "Change of use to create five individual dwellings together with associated external alterations, bin and cycle stores, car parking and associated works."

However, the council has deemed the plans unsuitable for the following reasons:

  • The design and layout of the proposed dwellings, including the proposed front dormer window, would not be sufficiently in keeping with the established local character which would prevent them from harmonising with the existing buildings in the street scene.
  • The proposed change of use would not respect the living conditions of existing neighbouring residential occupiers nor future occupiers of the conversion in relation to overlooking/loss of privacy, lack of outlook, and amenity space.
  • The development proposed would not be capable of providing sufficient off-street parking for the new dwellings. This would intensify the need for on-street parking in an area with evident issues regarding parking provision. In addition there is insufficient cycle provision. Furthermore there is inadequate security for both the cycle and parking provision.

For these reasons, planning officers have refused to grant permission to create the five new homes.

This application was submitted to the council on January 13, 2023, and was refused on January 22, 2024.