A SICK offender has been locked up for more than a decade after being found guilty of raping a woman in her own home.

Scott Lindsay was convicted by a jury at Liverpool Crown Court of raping and assaulting a woman in Runcorn

The 55-year-old, of Nantwich Road in Crewe, was subsequently sentenced to 11 years in prison.

The court heard that Lindsay assaulted the woman and threatened to kill her, leading her to report the incident to Cheshire Police.

A full investigation was launched, and during this time, the victim disclosed a historic report where Lindsay had forcibly raped and assaulted her.

The court also heard that Lindsay had also threatened her with a knife, grabbing her hair and cutting her on the chest.

DS Whitfield said: “Scott Lindsay assaulted and forcibly raped the victim, despite the fact that she had told him that she did not want to have sex and repeatedly told him to stop.

“His actions have left her emotionally scarred as a result.

“While it was not easy for the victim to re-live her experiences in court, thanks to her bravery and courage, and the weight of the evidence she provided, Lindsay is now behind bars and facing the consequences for his actions.

“Cheshire Police takes all reports of sexual offences extremely seriously.

“We have specialist officers who provide support to victims and work with services dedicated to giving victims the help and advice they need.”

If you, or anyone you know, have or has been a victim of a sexual offence, call Cheshire Police on 101 to report it.