THE number 62 bus is the only public transport option available to residents in Moore and Sandymoor.

The service is used by a variety of the demographics from our community, and for many is an essential lifeline.

We have already suffered a reduction in the service, which has obviously impacted footfall on the service.

Children attending primary schools, Bridgewater High School, Sandymoor High School and sixth form colleges Priestley College and Sir John Deane’s do not have a public transport route.

The alternative for these students is to walk or cycle.

Runcorn Road towards Stockton Heath is an unlit country road.

Due to the local authority also deciding to close Daresbury Expressway, the volume of traffic on this route has significantly increased, with driving behaviours not appropriate for driving on a country lane.

We are heading into the autumn months with light deteriorating.

It is not safe for a child to be on these routes with the current volume of traffic, driving behaviours and no lighting.

Have you travelled on this route in recent weeks? It is horrendous now and will only get worse as weather and light deteriorates.

Many residents use the service to attend workplaces, in either Warrington or Runcorn, and many employees use the service to get to the Daresbury Science Park.

There is no alternative public transport route, and again, individuals will need to walk or cycle.

Many of our residents do not have vehicles, including a significant number of elderly residents.

They are now isolated, with no route to go and do their shopping, get to banks, access community services and attend doctors, dentists and hospitals.

We are a rural community – we need our lifelines. Many of us are left anxious, and for some facing frightening consequences of the removal of our public transport.

We are two weeks away from the end of the current Warrington’s Own Buses service and have no idea if there will be a replacement.

It would be useful to engage with the community to understand the needs and demands in order that a service can be maintained, with an appropriate timetable that meets the demands of the users and increases footfall.

