A NEW permanent recycling scheme has launched at Runcorn Shopping City.

This is following the success of the recent ‘Swap Shop’ initiative in August which saw visitors to the centre encouraged to donate any usable but unwanted clothes, shoes, bags, and unbranded school uniform they didn’t need.

This was with the aim of others being able to make good use of them.

The Swap Shop had more than 750 items donated by local people and visitors and more than 350 items were given away for free from August 29 to August 30.

The Trade Quarter, the centre’s quirky take on a traditional market, and Sports Traider, a youth-focused charity, both kindly donated brand-new items and school uniforms to the initiative.

Dave Pearman, shopping centre manager, said: “We’re proud to run community-driven events like these and continue to provide the local area with services, events and initiatives that they need and want.

“The free family-focused activities that we run alongside these just make it an even lovelier day for everyone involved and visiting the centre.

“Bringing people together and fostering attitudes of kindness and compassion for others was the aim of this, and we definitely did that.

“The feedback we have had is just fantastic!

“The ‘Swap Shop’ initiative was a resounding success, a complete pleasure to work on, and made a real difference to people that may have needed a little help at the moment.”

One local resident who is a mum said: “This is such a fantastic idea that helps local families, we are so grateful.

“Having six children every new school year costs a lot of money - so just having a few polo shirts and girl's skirts has helped us out so much."

Following the success of the Swap Shop, a new, permanent recycling scheme ‘The Drop’ off has opened at Runcorn Shopping City.

Dave added: “Following the overwhelmingly positive feedback we have had, Runcorn Shopping City has decided to continue supporting the community with a similar, permanent initiative inviting people to donate, repurpose, and recycle their clothes called ‘The Drop Off’.

“The centre will now home donation boxes in which people can donate clothes that no longer fit, or they don’t wish to wear.

“The items will be sorted and distributed to people all over the world and a percentage of the funds raised from sales will go back into funding community activities in Runcorn providing a full circle of support.

“This not only makes room for new items, it shows children that the clothes are going to someone who needs them more.

"It will facilitate funding into the local community, and it also benefits the environment by minimising the impact of ‘fast fashion’.”