A WIDNES college is celebrating an ‘exceptional’ set of results from their sixth form students.

A-Level results were revealed to thousands of students across the country yesterday, Thursday, and Cronton Sixth formers were among the smiling faces, celebrating excellent grades despite a challenging few years.

The atmosphere on campus was one of excitement as students shared their success and confirmed their future destinations, with many heading off to some of the country’s most prestigious institutions.

A-Level pass rates were extremely high with 99.3 per cent of Cronton students receiving an A*-E grade.

Pass rates for Level 3 vocational courses were equally as high at 99 per cent.

Some of the college’s highest achieving students included former Penketh High student Jennifer Wright who received two A*s and one A in history biology and chemistry.

Jennifer is off to study history at the University of Oxford.

Meanwhile, Nicholas Smith achieved a phenomenal straight A*s in physics, maths and further maths.

He will be attending the University of Manchester to continue his study of physics.

Cai Jones, a former Wade Deacon pupil achieved three As in biology, mathematics and chemistry and will be continuing her studies at the university of Leeds where she will be learning medicine.

Apprenticeships have also seen a lot of interest this year, with engineering student Thomas Fallon achieving two Distinction*s and one Distinction. He is off to start an apprenticeship at Stantec.

Mary Murphy, college principal summarised the day, saying: “We are incredibly proud of all that our students have achieved.

“Their results are testament not only to the hard work and dedication of both students and staff at the College; but the incredible resilience they have shown in overcoming the challenges the last few years have presented.

“We wish them all the very best of luck as they progress on to their future education and careers.”