HERE is a look at all the best and worst Ofsted ratings given to secondary schools in Runcorn and Widnes to date.

The education regulators use a four-point grading scale for inspection judgements:

These are:

Grade 1: outstanding

Grade 2: good

Grade 3: requires improvement

Grade 4: inadequate

Wade Deacon High School – ‘Outstanding’

Based on Birchfield Road in Widnes, this secondary school was given the top grading after a visit from Ofsted inspectors on November 29 and 30 last year.

The official report said: “Pupils at Wade Deacon High School are completely committed to the ‘Wade Deacon Way’. They talk about it with passion.

“Pupils fully live out the school’s values to respect themselves, to be the best that they can be and to believe in themselves. These behaviours are consistently evident in pupils’ respectful interactions with each other and with staff.”

Ashley High School, Widnes – ‘Outstanding’

This community special school in Widnes received the highest grading from the education watchdogs after an inspection on November 12 and 13.

The report began: “This is an exceptional school where every pupil is supported to achieve their full potential. Pupils speak with enthusiasm about their school.

“They enjoy their learning and are proud of their many achievements. Pupils feel valued and listened to. They have warm and friendly relationships with the staff and each other.

“Staff know and understand the needs of every pupil extremely well. Consequently, pupils feel settled, happy and safe at the school.”

Ormiston Chadwick Academy, Widnes – ‘Outstanding’

This Liverpool Road school was given the highest grading from the education watchdogs after an inspection on October 19 and 20 last year.

The report said: “Most pupils said that they are happy at school. They spoke positively about their experiences.

“Pupils said that there is always someone whom they can talk to if they feel worried or need help. They explained that this helps them to feel cared for and safe in school. In the main, pupils are tolerant of, and respectful towards, each other.

“Bullying is rare, and pupils said that if it does happen, it is dealt with well. Pupils know that their teachers have high expectations of their behaviour.”

The Grange School, Runcorn – ‘Good’

Located on Latham Avenue, this school received an inspection on May 4 and 5 last year.

Inspectors deemed the setting to be a good school.

The report said: “Pupils are proud to be part of this respectful community.

“They told inspectors that the school community is ‘accepting of anyone’ and that they can be themselves without fear of prejudice. For example, those pupils who are members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community can be open about their sexuality and gender identity.”

Halton School – ‘Good’

This independent school based in Runcorn received an inspection from Ofsted on November 30, last year. Inspectors deemed the Main Street school to be good in all areas.

The report said: “The pupils who come to Halton School have emotional and behavioural needs. They typically show improvement in their behaviour after some time in the school.

“This is because staff have high expectations and are calmly persistent in getting pupils to behave well.

“Staff have effective ways of managing any behavioural issues in lessons to get pupils quickly back on track. Leaders and teachers deal with bullying effectively and keep the number of incidents low.”

Saints Peter and Paul Catholic High School, Widnes – ‘Good’

Based on Highfield Road in Widnes, this school ‘continues to be a good school’ according to Ofsted.

The school received an inspection on July 5 and 6 last year.

The report said: “Pupils are proud to attend Saints Peter and Paul Catholic High School. They told inspectors that they feel well cared for and valued for who they are.

“They make friends easily and feel happy and safe at school. Pupils are knowledgeable about and accepting of differences between people and communities. They trust leaders to resolve any bullying incidents quickly.”

Chesnut Lodge Special School, Widnes – ‘Good’

This community special school caters for children aged two to 16. Based on Green Lane in Widnes, this school received an inspection from Ofsted on April 19 and 20 this year which stated it ‘continues to be a good school’.

The report said: “Pupils arrive at school in the morning with big happy smiles that last all day. They love their school, the friends they make and the fun learning activities they get to enjoy.

“Pupils told inspectors that staff take good care of them. They said that they feel safe and secure in school.

“This is a caring and welcoming school where every pupil, no matter what their needs, is valued. Staff ensure that all pupils take a full part in school life. Pupils enjoy learning. They achieve well and often exceed staff’s high expectations.”

The Heath, Runcorn – ‘Requires Improvement’

Located on Clifton Road, this school received an inspection from Ofsted on November 15 and 16 last year, with the outcome that the school requires improvements.

The report began: “Leaders want all pupils to be well prepared for life in modern Britain. Therefore, leaders have recently made changes to the curriculum to make it more ambitious.

“Pupils have access to a varied curriculum offer. This includes an appropriate range of arts subjects at key stage 3, including dance and drama. Pupils in key stage 4 follow a suitably wide range of academic and vocational qualifications that have been carefully selected to meet their needs.”

Hope Corner School – ‘Requires Improvement’

This independent school received a visit from Ofsted on November 10 and 12 last year. Inspectors graded the school low and as requiring improvements.

The report said: “The planned curriculum supports the school’s ethos. The proprietor body and leaders aim to help pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

“The curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils study an appropriate range of subjects. In some subjects, curriculum plans enable pupils to steadily develop their knowledge and understanding. Curriculum plans for some subjects in the wider curriculum are not precise enough.

“They do not set out the key knowledge that should be taught and in what order. This limits pupils’ achievement.”