HERE is an insight into some of the best Ofsted gradings given to primary schools across Runcorn and Widnes this year.

The education regulators use a four-point grading scale for inspection judgements:

These are:

Grade 1: outstanding

Grade 2: good

Grade 3: requires improvement

Grade 4: inadequate

Gorsewood Primary School – ‘Good’

This Runcorn school received an Ofsted inspection on May 24 and 25, with a positive grading of good.

Inspectors said: “Pupils thrive in the caring, purposeful and exciting environment of this school. They value the friendships that they have with their peers.

“They also respect the positive relationships that they enjoy with staff. Pupils are happy at school.”

St John Fisher Catholic Primary School – ‘Good’

Based on Edwards Street in Widnes, this school received a visit from Ofsted inspectors on May 4 and 5 where it was determined to be a good school.

The report read: “Pupils enjoy coming to school. They are happy, polite and well-mannered. Leaders ensure that pupils have a secure understanding of the harmful effects of bullying.

“Pupils feel safe in school because staff deal with any rare incidents of bullying or unkindness swiftly and effectively.”

Murdishaw West Community Primary School – ‘Good’

This Runcorn school located on Barnfield Avenue received an inspection on March 7 and 8.

Inspectors graded the school as good.

The report said: “Pupils, including children in the early years, enjoy attending Murdishaw West Community Primary School.

“They are proud of their school. Pupils appreciate the high expectations that leaders have of their behaviour and achievements.”

Brookfields School – ‘Outstanding’

This Widnes school based on Moorfield Road continues to be an outstanding school, according to Ofsted inspectors who visited the setting back on January 11 and 12.

The report said: “This is a warm, welcoming school where staff greet every pupil with a smile. Pupils enjoy the many enrichment experiences that leaders provide.

“Pupils appreciate the chance to immerse themselves in the world around them. They learn to swim and take part in dance, art and music events. Older pupils have the opportunity to attend a residential trip where they enjoy a range of physical activities, as well as developing their independence skills.”

Westfield Primary School – ‘Good’

This Runcorn school on Clayton Crescent received a visit from Ofsted inspectors on May 16 and 17.

The outcome of the inspection was a grading of good and the report said: “Pupils enjoy coming to this happy school.

“They try hard to live up to leaders’ expectations to be ready, respectful and safe. Pupils have strong relationships with staff. This helps them to feel safe. If bullying should occur, adults deal with it effectively.”