THE staff and students at an academy in Runcorn are ‘delighted’ after a recent Ofsted inspection moved the school up a grading – although it is still rated requires improvement.

Ormiston Bolingbroke Academy (OBA) have shown various improvements that were recognized by the education watchdogs who moved them from Inadequate up to Requires Improvement in their latest visit.

The Barnfield Avenue school, which is part of Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT) has undertaken significant changes since being placed into special measures, back in December 2019.

Kathryn Evans, chair of the governing body, was appointed as principal in April 2020 and a restructure to the academy’s senior leadership team was implemented.

In this latest visit, inspectors deemed the school to have a ‘robust culture of safeguarding’ and highlighted how recommended improvements to the quality of education have now been addressed.

Leaders provide staff with suitable training to carry out their roles and responsibilities well, and staff are vigilant to any pupils who may be at risk of harm.

“Staff report, record and follow up on any concerns appropriately and assiduously.”

The setting was described as ‘calm and orderly’, and any low-level disruption is dealt with efficiently by teachers.

Inspectors stated that leaders have devised a curriculum that is ‘ambitious’ for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

All pupils study a ‘wide range of subjects at key stage four and in the sixth form’ and pupils can select from suitable academic and vocational qualifications matched to their needs, interests, and ambitions.

Mrs Evans said:  “We have been working hard to make many improvements and I am delighted that the recent Ofsted recognizes the vast progress made.

“I acknowledge that there is still work to be done but I am pleased to be able to say with certainty that the leadership team, which includes trustees and governors, are well placed to continue this improvement.

“I believe our school is at the heart of the local community and I look forward to continuing to work together with staff, students, and parents/carers to ensure OBA is a great place for all children to attend.”