STUDENTS from a Runcorn school have been given the tate of university life.

Over the past month, Ormiston Bolingbroke Academy (OBA) has taken all their year 10 and year 12 students to the University of Liverpool.

The Runcorn students were treated to a tour of the vibrant campus and found out about the vast number of courses on offer. They spoke to staff and current scholars about student finances and what it’s like to live away or to commute from home.

They also learned more about the social opportunities on offer before visiting the Guild of Students and several other key buildings including lecture halls, the sports centre, and a library.

Year 10 students from the school, on Barnfield Avenue, were treated to an interactive science talk as part of the visit, where they experienced what teaching at university could be like. In this session, students learned about why liquid nitrogen behaves in the way that it does and saw it freeze a few items, before having the chance to smash them up!

Matt Oates, assistant principal at OBA, with a responsibility for personal development said, “At OBA, it’s our duty to raise aspirations and to make sure that all our students have full awareness of all of the options open to them beyond their time with us.

"Students in all year groups have regular careers education which includes visits from employers, one-to-one interviews with careers advisors, projects in our Lessons for Life curriculum, a careers convention and work experience. For more information on what we offer, please visit the careers pages on our website.”

Students commented that they had enjoyed the day and were now considering university as an option when they hadn’t before.

The academy is looking forward to continuing to work with Liverpool university on its Widening Participation and Outreach programme to offer more exciting opportunities to students in all year groups over the coming weeks and months.