A DARESBURY laboratory has received a six-figure investment to help those ‘struggling with fertility’.

MYMA Medical, a start-up fertility business based at Sci-Tech Daresbury, received a £106,000 investment from LYVA Labs in Liverpool to ‘significantly advance the experiences of people struggling with fertility’.

The start-up aims to improve the IVF process by replacing the current technique of manually injecting sperm into the egg and replacing it with an automated machine.  

Currently, IVF has a 30 per cent success rate and changing the process of fertilisation to an automated one will remove the potential for human error as well as reducing the reliance on personal skill. 

Infertility affects 3.5m people in the UK and 186m people worldwide and is the most common healthcare condition in 30 to 40 year-olds.

Improving the success rate of IVF will reduce the need for multiple procedures, which is unfeasible for some as each round costs between £10,000 and £12,000.

CEO of LYVA Labs Lorna Green said: “So many of us are touched by fertility issues in our lives, either personally or through our communities so I am incredibly proud to bring a business like this to our ever-evolving region.”

Yash Khandia, CEO of MYMA Medical, said: “We are excited to bring this innovative, game-changing technology to the fertility market to enhance the outcome of the treatments while saving money for the couples and improving their physiological and physical conditions.”