MP MIKE Amesbury is set to host a cost-of-living event in Runcorn to provide ‘practical and emotional support’ to combat the cost-of-living crisis.

Mike Amesbury, MP for Weaver Vale, which covers East Runcorn, is holding a cost-of-living drop-in event that will “bring residents face-to-face with organisations who can help them navigate this difficult period.”

The event will take place at Runcorn Shopping City, between 10am and 2pm, February 16.

The event will have an indoor market style layout, with several organisations having agreed to run a stall. These include:

- Runcorn & District Foodbank

- Citizens Advice

- Halton Council

- British Gas

- Cadent

- Energy Projects Plus

- Jobcentre Plus

- Households into Work

- Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

- Runcorn Police

- Your Housing

- Onward Housing

- Four Estates

- Riverside Housing

- Halton Housing.

Mr Amesbury said: “The cost-of-living crisis is having an impact on households financially as well as on their physical and mental wellbeing.

“No one should be in a position of having to choose between either putting on the heating or feeding their children.

“That is completely unacceptable and it's essential people are given all the help and support available by being signposted to groups able to assist.

“The idea is to give residents the opportunity to learn more about the type of advice and support available and make useful contacts they can turn to when help is needed.

“Myself and team will also be on hand to take enquiries from constituents. No appointment is necessary, and people are encouraged to drop-in.”