FAIRFIELD High School will close in August 2010, because of falling numbers, Halton Council's executive board decided today, after extensive consultation.

Pupils will transfer the following month to nearby Wade Deacon High School, which will be modernised and expanded to cater for 1500 pupils as part of a £100 million vision to re-build every secondary school in Widnes and Runcorn.

"Unfortunately, Fairfield was in precarious position from the beginning," said Cllr Tom McInerney, board member for children and young people.

"Their numbers were falling. There are only 710 on the roll today.

"This is a golden opportunity to get funding in in a way we would never have been able to get in."

Children will be taught across both sites in Peel House Lane and Birchfield Road, in Widnes, until 2013, while construction work is carried out.

Council leader Cllr Tony McDermott, said: "Fairfield has a tremendous history and has had terrific pupils who have gone onto wonderful things.

"Building Schools For The Future enables us to go in a new direction and ensure that we look at the future in a confident manner not with any school under threat."

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