A FORMER radiographer is encouraging others to help shape NHS services in their communities.

Diane, from Widnes, is urging people to speak out as part of ‘What Would You do?’, a campaign led by independent health and social care champion Healthwatch Halton.

It aims to encourage people in Halton to share their views about how extra money from the government should be spent after it was revealed that an extra £20 billion will be invested into the NHS per year.

Diane said: "By talking and listening to people who have been ill you get fantastic knowledge and feedback about health services, which we will all have to use at some stage in our lives.

"Patients are the experts, each and every one of them has a story to share – whether that’s good or bad.

"I would encourage others to take part and make sure their voice is heard."

Diane has had plenty of first-hand experience with health and care services in Halton, having worked as a radiographer in the NHS at Whiston Hospital, before working as systems manager at ICI occupational health.

She was also the main carer for her husband, who had many long-term health conditions, before he died in 2004.

Diane has type one diabetes and understands the need for people to be well supported by health services.

Dave Wilson, manager at Healthwatch Halton, added: "The NHS only works when the voices of the people who use it are heard.

"This is a once in a generation chance for people to help decide where this extra money from government should be spent in our NHS services in Halton.

"We want to hear from as many people as possible about what works, what doesn’t and how they think health services should be improved.

"No matter how big or small the issue, we want to hear about it.

"Sharing your experience with us is quick and easy - and could make a big difference."

Staff and volunteers from Healthwatch Halton will be popping up at venues around the borough during the next six weeks to allow people to have their say.

People can also share their views in an online survey available on the Healthwatch website.