POLICE and crime commissioner David Keane has increased the police rates by 1.9 per cent based on the results of his public consultation process.

He stated that 60 per cent of people were in favour.

I say that it was not carried out in a fair and open manner.

Voting should surely be done by a totally independent body with scrutiny.

He just stated that he had 60 per cent in favour of a rise.

I do not believe that this is an acceptable way to be open and honest with the public of Cheshire.

A fair way of the public letting Mr Keane know their opinion would be by being able to opt to pay the increase or not when we receive our annual rates bill.

I suggest that is the only way you can reach out to the public to find out if they are willing to support this 1.9 per cent increase.

I guess he would not have the 60 per cent of support that he claims to have.

This is one fair and legal way of having a public consultation process.

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