FORGET Pokémon GO, the only game to be playing in Widnes at the moment is roundabout go, stop, go, stop, wait, go.

It is a fabulously fun game, albeit dangerous, as when you approach most roundabouts in the town drivers do not indicate where they are going.

This also happens at other junctions too.

So it is an exciting game guessing whether to make your move or not.

However you have to be prepared for the ‘go’ consequences.

At best a lot of shouting, swearing and hand gestures, and at worst a metal crunching, nerve shattering bump.

Now I am all for fun and games, but this one we could do without.

Come on drivers, use those little flashing lights to let others know which direction you are going and leave the game playing off the roads.

Those lights, or indicators as they are commonly known, are not optional extras. They are there for a reason.

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