DOG bins around Upton Rocks have mysteriously disappeared.

No doubt this is another council cutback.

If such savings are necessary why did the council wait to remove them now after the local elections and not at the end of March in the last financial year?

No consultation has been conducted with residents and this seems yet another ill-conceived budget saving.

Not only do we have grounds maintenance staff rolling grass on ride-on lawn mowers instead of cutting it but we have overflowing litter bins which will now be full of dog excrement.

The remaining bins were never emptied in a timely manner and this will only make things worse.

Whatever happened to civic pride?

The borough looks an overgrown, poorly maintained eyesore and we can now look forward to pavements covered in dog dirt.

Residents will suffer with higher levels of hayfever and asthma, grass fires and fly infestations.

Well done to the council.

How does the council expect to attract businesses to invest in the area if it looks such a mess?

Martin James


Halton Cllr Ron Hignett, board member for the physical environment, said: “The budget for the emptying of street dog waste bins was cut a few years ago and since that time there has been a programme of removal.

“The last bins are currently being taken out.

“At the same time the council has made a capital investment in street litter bins and over the last few years nearly 200 new bins have been installed.

“Dog waste can be placed into the new bins and any other street litter bin.”