I WAS delighted when the vote to introduce plain packaging of cigarettes was passed, particularly since the review carried out by paediatrician Sir Cyril Chantler concluded it was very likely that this would lead to an important reduction in the uptake of smoking.

Imagine my surprise and disappointment when I learned that my representative, the Tory MP for Weaver Vale, wasn’t even present for this important vote.

His record for speaking in debates in the House is woeful having spoken in only 20 debates in the past year, which is below average among MPs.

Name and address supplied

Response from Weaver Vale MP Graham Evans:

ACCORDING to the independent website TheyWorkForYou.com, I have voted in 85 per cent of all votes in this Parliament, well above average among MPs.

What’s more, the same independent website says I’ve contributed to Parliamentary debate 894 in my five years as MP.

So I’m happy to put my record on the line and let the facts speak for themselves.

During the vote for plain cigarette packaging, I was involved with important work as parliamentary private secretary to Michael Fallon, the Secretary of State for Defence.