Operation Uganda Add an extra item on to your shopping list for a child in Uganda Kings Church, Frodsham and the charity Just Care are working together to provide essential medical goods for deprived children in a small village called Kamutuuza, located in Uganda. Over the next 3 months the church is co-ordinating the collection of health and hygiene materials and medical equipment for 20 foot container shipment to Uganda in January 2009. On reaching Uganda the goods are to be distributed between the Wellspring Children’s Medical Centre (developed and supported by Just Care), Masaka, and Kitovu Hospitals. How can you help? We are asking people to add an extra item on their shopping list…the following shows a list of items so desperately needed for the Children of Kamutuuza, Uganda. Whether it is one toothbrush or 200, every donation is very much appreciated and will go directly to benefit the healthcare of a child in Uganda. We would welcome the following items: Toothbrushes Toothpaste Mouth wash Hand soap (bar/liquid) Shampoo Deodorant Alcohol gel Flannel / Sponge Towel Nail Brush & Scissors Tweezers (Bandages & Dressings) Bandages, Slings, Elastoplast Plasters, Micropore Dressings (Lint/melonin/mepore) Cotton wool E45, Sudocrem Vaseline, Savalon Hyrocortisone, TCP Mosquito & Antiseptic sprays Nappies, Baby wipes Baby bottles, Beakers Sterilising tablets Cot sheets, Blankets, Muslin squares Medical practitioners, hospitals and medical suppliers are also being asked to donate any unwanted medical equipment, which would otherwise be discarded due to the hygiene policies set out by health authorities. Collection points in Frodsham, Helsby and Kingsley: 1. Tesco supermarket, Helsby. 2. Unit 10 Eddisbury Square, Frodsham (Old Travel Agents) Open every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10 - 1 3. Main Street Community Church, Frodsham Open every Thursday 9.30 - 2 4. Kings Church, Chester Road, Frodsham Open every Sunday and Wednesday 9 - 12 5. Holland Pharmacy, Kingsley. Normal shop opening hours Ends. For further information please contact Dr Pauline Hutchinson - Telephone 07720848888