LAST week saw Halton Council reveal which secondary school each year six pupil was allocated a place at.

Parents were able to submit preferences of up to three choices of secondary schools and last Thursday (March 7), pupils were informed which high school they would be attending at the start of the new school year in September.

In light of this news, we thought we would share the Ofsted ratings of every secondary school in Halton.

The education regulators use a four-point grading scale for inspection judgements:

These are:

Grade 1: outstanding

Grade 2: good

Grade 3: requires improvement

Grade 4: inadequate

Wade Deacon High School – ‘Outstanding’

This Birchfield Road school in Widnes was last inspected in November 2022 and was graded outstanding in all areas of the official report.

The report began: “Pupils at Wade Deacon High School are completely committed to the ‘Wade Deacon Way’.

“They talk about it with passion. Pupils fully live out the school’s values to respect themselves, to be the best that they can be and to believe in themselves. These behaviours are consistently evident in pupils’ respectful interactions with each other and with staff.”

The Grange Academy – ‘Good’

Based in Runcorn, this Latham Avenue school was last inspected in May 2022 and was rated good.

The inspectors said: “Pupils are proud to be part of this respectful community. They told inspectors that the school community is ‘accepting of anyone’ and that they can be themselves without fear of prejudice.

“For example, those pupils who are members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community can be open about their sexuality and gender identity.”

The Heath School – ‘Requires Improvement’

Located on Clifton Road in Runcorn, The Heath was last inspected in November 2022 and was rated as requires improvement.

The report began: “Pupils feel safe and happy at this school. They told inspectors that it is a welcoming place. Pupils support each other well. They said that bullying does not happen often. If it does, teachers act quickly to stop it.

“Pupils told inspectors that there are trusted adults in school that they can talk to if they have any worries.”

Ormiston Bolingbroke Academy – ‘Requires Improvement’

OBA is located on Barnfield Avenue in Runcorn and was last inspected in May 2023 as requires improvement.

This was a positive move for the academy which had previous been in special measures and had a rating of inadequate.

Inspectors said: “Leaders have raised their expectations of what pupils, including students in the sixth form, can and should achieve.

“That said, while pupils in key stage 3 are learning well, some pupils in key stage 4 and some sixth-form students are struggling to make up for the poor quality of education that they experienced in the past.”

Saints Peter and Paul Catholic High School – ‘Good’

This Widnes school based on Highfield Road was last inspected in July 2022 and was rated good.

The report began: “Pupils are proud to attend Saints Peter and Paul Catholic High School. They told inspectors that they feel well cared for and valued for who they are.

“They make friends easily and feel happy and safe at school. Pupils are knowledgeable about and accepting of differences between people and communities. They trust leaders to resolve any bullying incidents quickly.”

Ormiston Chadwick Academy – ‘Outstanding’

Located on Liverpool Road in Widnes, the school was last inspected in October 2022.

Inspectors said: “Most pupils said that they are happy at school. They spoke positively about their experiences.

“Pupils said that there is always someone whom they can talk to if they feel worried or need help. They explained that this helps them to feel cared for and safe in school. In the main, pupils are tolerant of, and respectful towards, each other. Bullying is rare, and pupils said that if it does happen, it is dealt with well.”

Ashley High School, Widnes – ‘Outstanding’

This Widnes school was last inspected by Ofsted in November 2019 and was rated outstanding.

Inspectors said: “This is an exceptional school where every pupil is supported to achieve their full potential. Pupils speak with enthusiasm about their school. They enjoy their learning and are proud of their many achievements.

“Pupils feel valued and listened to. They have warm and friendly relationships with the staff and each other. Staff know and understand the needs of every pupil extremely well. Consequently, pupils feel settled, happy and safe at the school.”

To read any of the Ofsted reports in full visit