TOMBOLAS and car boot sales have helped a team of women to raise more than £50,000 for Halton Haven.

The Runcorn ladies, friends from Westfield, adopted the charity when the late founder Dom Valdez built the hospice 33 years ago.

They have just presented their latest gift of £2,500.

Founder member of the group, Betty Quirk, 87, died in 2013.

She organised raffles, tombolas, car boot sales and hosted a summer garden party at her home in Picow Farm Road.

Pam Alker, from Westfield ladies, said: “We want to keep Betty’s inspiration going.

“The haven means a lot to all of us.”

The women want to thank everyone who supported their tombolas at Asda in Runcorn and Green Oaks shopping mall in Widnes.

They are also grateful to their friends who donate new items and unwanted gifts for their stalls.

Shaun Pollard, Halton Haven chief executive officer, said: “It was a delight to meet up again with the Westfield ladies who have been fundraising for the hospice for over 30 years.

“They are one of the very best examples of ordinary Halton people keeping our hospice open.

“All of us, staff, volunteers, patients and their families owe them a huge debt of thanks.”